Manakai O Malama’s new Pacific Headache Center is dedicated to the treatment of migraines and other neurological disorders. Led by neurologist Dr. Kaminskas, the team-based, multi-disciplinary approach to migraine headaches may include Botox for chronic sufferers. Services also include dietary and lifestyle guidance, psychological services, sleep optimization, acupuncture and manual therapies.
“Chronic migraine is defined as severe headache, often with sensitivity to light and sound, present 15 or more days a month. I have found Botox to be exceedingly effective and have been thrilled to see patients who were disabled because of migraines return to work and again be able to care for their families at home. There’s nothing more satisfying as a medical doctor than being able to restore someone to good health and improve their quality of life. The optimal management of headaches involves caring for the patient with a whole-person approach while employing team-based, multidisciplinary care. It is for this reason that I have decided to form the Pacific Headache Center at Manakai O Malama.”
– Dr. David Kaminskas